Here are my favorite articles from the week! From languages, to the NBA lockout, to an atheist who did AA.
Think you can’t learn a language for free? False. There are a number of sites and resources out there for language learners. My golden rule: ‘No hay verguenza.’ or “There is no shame.” Put yourself out there and practice and you might surprise yourself by how much you can learn. Scroll to the bottom of this post for some helpful links.
Nice guys finish last. Well, not really, they just don’t make as much money.
Long article on the NBA lockout. And a thought provoking paragraph at the end about the psychic benefits of art or ownership.
There are a million ways to fail in online dating. Here are some hilarious ones.
We are becoming more productive, but not being compensated appropriately.
Ignorance is bliss. Until it kills the environment, and you.
The US is the only developed country where citizens are not guaranteed paid vacation time. Check out the graph!
The flash diet. The only diet with no recommendations.
Are cholesterol numbers really that important? One doctor calls them ‘worthless.’
Depressing News is terrible, but depressing international news gets far less attention. Did you hear about the terrorist attack at a Casino in Mexico?
An interesting article written by an Athiest who went through AA. Her quote “I believe that the most important spiritual principle of AA is humility. The recognition that we are flawed, that we can and must change and that our purpose not only in sobriety but in life is to be of service to others.”
Sleep is to our brains as a disk fragmenter is to a computer? Studies are showing that sleep allows us to make synapses more efficiently and create room for more of them.
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