Buy slavery free candy this halloween!
Occupy Wall Street protests reach universities.
Uruguay gives more laptops to it's kids than the U.S.
Alabama bringing back slavery. This time to Latinos.
Hugo Chavez has just 2 more years to live say doctors.
Marathon runner goes the distance at age 100.
Landslides in Central America.
Rap Snacks.
How rich are you, relatively?
Biodegradable shoes.
"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking that you have something to lose."--Steve Jobs.
The Dream Act comes to california.
Jerry Brown signs in a law against shark defining.
Healthcare and Medicine:
Magic Mushrooms. Was this written by a hippie or a scientist?
Technological analysis in Hospitals predicting outcomes with accuracy
Text messaging increases adherence to malaria medication in Kenya.
"The Kaiser Family Foundation released recently its latest estimate of what health insurance will cost in the future. By 2021, average family premiums are set to double, to more than $32,000. This year alone the premium is $15,073, up 9% from 2010" But...Don't blame doctors for high medical costs
ADHD can now be diagnosed and treated at age 4 :-(
California Medical Association looking to pass marijuana legalization.
Malaria soon to be eradicated in 1/3 of affected countries.
A new test for Downs Syndrome.
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