I decided to call my friends to bail us out. Scrolling all of the way through the four contacts in my directory, I found my friend Maria from Spanish Class. After laughing for a few minutes, she said she would be there right away with some friends. Success! “Finally we’ll get a sale!” said my friend. But he was ready for more than that.
She pulled up next to us, stepped out and popped the trunk. Two more girls unraveled themselves from fetal position and hopped out (remember the 6 months rule?). We made our first sale then, but we also showcased some high quality high-school flirting. Lemonade was splashed back and forth and the sharpie for our sign soon became a weapon. All in all, it was a fruitful sale, and directly after, my friend asked me for Maria’s number. I gave it to him, although I didn’t think he would actually call it. I was wrong. And seven years later, they are married. Now that’s what I call a successful lemonade stand!
My point in writing this article is twofold. One is to always be yourself and don’t hold back from doing new and possibly unconventional things. If that means setting up a lemonade stand on the sidewalk, trying out a new style of clothing, or checking out a new place in San Diego, go for it! These experiences help us to illustrate ourselves, and become more interesting people. As well as make our lives a little more exciting, and give us more interactions with others.
My second point is to always be mentally prepared. There’s a reason why the because you never know when you will have the opportunity to meet the girl who’s right for you. The convenient moment might come at anytime and anyplace, and if you are ready, your life could be changed forever. ATT can back me up on this.
So next time, you feel like it’s any ordinary day of work and errands, take a moment to acknowledge that this could be the day you meet that girl. In line at the bank, walking down the street, or just casually working on your bow-hunting skills, she could be there. And when you have potentially found her, don’t be afraid to talk. You might not have time to come up with something that abides by the rule of the third, but be relaxed, confident and give it your best. And always, Be Prepared!
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