Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Takeaway (Oct. 11th).

There are just a few readings for today. Mainly, I've been caught up on school work, playing frisbee and flag football. Ok, maybe just a bit more of the former. Today, for instance, I took a 2 hour final, went to cardiology class for 2 hours, ate lunch at the beach, and then went to the downtown clinic to see two patients. Tomorrow is more 8am class...brutal!

Tuesday Takeaway..here we go!

How many slaves do you own?

Churches filling in the gaps of underserved care.

Woman finishes a marathon and then has a baby.

Healthcare and Medicine:

Quantifying improvement and using peer pressure to induce health changes.

Most people believe the US is well off, and therefore neglect the families that are 'food insecure.'

Genetic testing for freshmen at UC Berkeley.

Peanut butter and Haiti

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