4% of the photos ever taken-->Facebook.
Today's racist bake sale at Berkeley.
Could public biking outcompete the subway and bus system?
The great school depression...SAT lows and spending highs.
Could you live on $30 a week of food?
Time Banks. A way to exchange time and help people.
Facebook's newest target: Music
Creating business sectors in impoverished areas that did not exist before. "The best of philanthropy and capital coming together." Skip to 9minutes in for the meat.
Sad reports and studies from border control mistreatment.
Are our bodies restricted by exhaustion or a mental barrier?
Why our government isn't working.
The world's rudest hand gestures.
Development is often constrained by tradition. Persistance rules over grants and alms giving.
Foods in the shape of flags.
The power of forgiveness. "One of the great secrets of this life is that when we are hurt, we have all the power. We have the power to hold onto the offense, grasping it like a thumb screw in a torture device. But we may, if we choose, unscrew it; we may release the one over whom we have power."
Philosophy of Quirky: Using regular people to innovate.
How to execute your $1,000,000 idea. Check out the tips "Find your (profitable) idea."
Virtual advice from 5000 doctors.
Drug shortages in hospitals.
Incredible cyborg devices could allow for patients with Parkinsons and other debilitating diseases to regain abilities.
Are our bodies restricted by exhaustion or a mental barrier?
Using vinegar to treat HPV.
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